Summer Programs  2024

Small World Play
Welcome to a week of enchantment at "Small World Play" camp! Immerse your child in a magical experience where they'll bring miniature scenes to life through imaginative play. Each day unfolds with exciting themes such as fairy worlds, gnome homes, critter dwellings and more.  Using loose parts indoors and outdoors, children will transform items into beautiful landscapes and stories. This week promises a boundless journey into the realms of imagination, as participants explore and build characters, scenes, and stories in their very own small world play wonderland.

Heart of the Homestead
At “Heart of the Homestead" camp children will delve into traditional homesteading skills. Throughout the week, participants will learn the art of quick canning while preserving something tasty. Campers will engage cleaning and carding sheep's wool and exploring some beginner fiber arts fun. From brewing kombucha to discovering the secrets of sustainable living, this camp provides an overview of skills that connect children to the roots of self-sufficiency and homestead traditions.

Campfire Cooking
At Campfire Cooking Camp children will learn to cook over open flames. From toasting marshmallows to crafting campfire meals, participants explore various recipes while learning fire building and safety skills. This hands-on experience blends delicious flavors with outdoor fun, creating an unforgettable summer adventure.

Art & Creation
Art and Creation Camp offers a dynamic summer experience where children dive into the world of process-based art. Throughout the camp, young artists engage in hands-on, exploratory activities that focus on the creative journey rather than the final product. From vibrant painting sessions to sculpting with various materials, participants unleash their imaginations in an encouraging environment. This camp is designed to nurture artistic expression, foster a love for experimentation, and allow children to embrace their unique creative voices.

Survivalist Skills
Survivalist Skills Camp immerses children in an exciting summer experience, focusing on fundamental life skills in an outdoor environment. This camp introduces participants to the basics of archery and learning how to hold and shoot a bow. Campers will also explore enjoyable survivalist techniques, such as cooking without power and utilizing everyday items for emergency situations. Through hands-on learning, children not only enhance their outdoor prowess but also develop resourcefulness, resilience, and problem-solving capabilities.

Frosty Folksy
Frosty Folksy Camp invites children on a week-long adventure immersed in the wonders of ice and cold experiences. Participants engage in a variety of frosty activities, from ice play to experimenting with frozen science experiments. The camp sparks creativity through winter-themed arts and crafts and frostbite-friendly outdoor games and activities, making it a unique and memorable experience. Join us for a week of frosty fun, where children explore the magic of ice.

Retro Recess
Retro Recess Camp is a blast from the past, offering children a nostalgic journey into the iconic 90s era. Participants relive the joy of recess with classic games like hopscotch, kickball, and jump rope. The camp also brings back the beloved POGS craze, allowing kids to trade and play in true 90s style. In addition to the retro play, campers unleash their creativity through timeless crafts like bead buddies and boondoggle, creating keepsakes reminiscent of the good old days. Join us at Retro Recess Camp for a fun-filled week of throwback games, vintage vibes, and crafting memories inspired by the coolest decade ever.

Plants & Potions
Plants and Potions Camp invites children to embark on a magical journey where they explore the enchanting world of edible herbs, flowers, and plants. Throughout the camp, participants engage in hands-on activities, discovering the diverse uses of botanical wonders. From creating delicious and nutritious meals with edible herbs to crafting aromatic potions and teas, this camp fosters a connection between children and the bountiful gifts of nature. Campers not only learn about the culinary and medicinal properties of plants but also gain an appreciation for the beauty and versatility found in the natural world. Join us at Plants and Potions Camp for a week of botanical exploration, creativity, and delicious discoveries.

Storytelling & Theatre
This camp is a wonderful week-long journey where children step into the world of the storytelling and theatre, prompting creativity and imagination. Campers begin the week with character creation; bringing their own story to life through the crafting of peg dolls and miniature scenery for them. The highlight of the week is the casting of each child in a short story play, and blocking a whimsical performance at the end of the week. Join us for Storytelling and Theatre Camp, where young minds flourish in the art of storytelling, character building, and the thrill of theatrical expression.

Gardening & Harvest
Gardening and Harvest Camp is a hands-on exploration of nature's bounty, where children become stewards of a thriving summer garden. Throughout the week, participants will tend to the garden, discovering treasures at their peak of ripeness to taste. The highlight of the camp is the joyous harvest, where tomatoes, beans, squash blossoms, herbs, edible flowers, and more are gathered. At the end of the week campers transform their harvest into a garden party. From crafting menus to designing place holders, children celebrate the fruits of a summer-long labor.